This week, FLUSH debuted a new public class about how toilets could be one of the superheroes for the environment. The class is an introduction to how poo can cause environmental harm, how toilets help reduce pollution, and how the dark side of toilets could unravel much of its environmental benefits. All of the class is based on a hero journey storyline, making it more interesting to learn about the environment and toilets together.
We were pleased that we had a large class - the number of people in the class would have made the class sold out if it were in person! Participants were interested and asked lots of great questions about if animal poo had environmental consequences, whether some cities allow sewer tours, and the impact of waterless toilets.
Other participants asked about what impacts COVID-19 would have on access to public toilets. It's a great question, but it would take another class to discuss that. Maybe you'll see a new class about public toilets coming up in response! In the meantime, let us know if you're interested in having us host this class again soon!