FLUSH was honored to participate in the Rich Earth Institute's Summit virtually this year with hundreds of other passionate relcaimers and sanitation enthusiasts. The event was well managed and had a wide variety of topics - from the new science about how to manage human excrement like urine and poo, to the delights of exploring urine and gardening through art.
Speakers cam from across the globe, which is often not possible with in-person events given the costs of travel. FLUSH was pleased to share a lightning talk on the final day to highlight some lessons from the history of toilets. We were able to share the presentation after a wonderful presentation about meeting the public where they're at when talking poo and toilets from one of our favorite partners, The POOP Project.
One of the highlights of the event that we shared with partner organization PHLUSH was how much the event emphasized the importance of online and virtual education and communications. We are lucky to be working on this work already.